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World Leaders and Politicians
Also some of this world's politicians, heads of government, religious leaders, and other notabilities have been in the hands of Czeslaw Slania's burin.
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), President of France 1958-1969. This label exists also in black colour.
Richard Nixon. The label is tagged like a stamp, and is an election campaign label for the election day 85h November 1960, printed 1960, but which was never used. There are many colour varieties of this label. The date is wrongly printed, it should have been the American way, showing first the month, then the date, followed by the year.
John F. Kennedy (1919-1963), President of the United States of America 1961-1963. Engraved after the president was murdered in Texas in 1963.
Queen Silvia of Sweden, engraved 1986.
Queen Elizabeth II, Great Britain, *1927, engraved in 1985.
Dr. Joseph Saidu Momoh, President of Sierra Leone 1988-1993. Date of engraving unknown. For more information about the president, see Wikipedia - Joseph Saidu Momoh
Winston Churchill (1874-1965), Great Britain. Winston Churchill enjoyed one of the longest and most interesting lives of any person who has ever lived. From his birth at Blenheim Palace on November 30th, 1874, to his death at Hyde Park Gate in London on January 24, 1965, his life was one of action, controversy, setback and achievement. It was never dull.
King Khaled of Saudi
Arabia (1905-1975),
King of Saudi Arabia (1964-1975). The king brought his country
from near-feudalism into the modern world, and enabled his people to
enjoy the benefits of the 20th century while still adhering to the
principles of Islam.
In a personal handwritten letter from Slania to a Polish
acquaintance, dated in Stockholm 27th April 1974, Slania stated that "I
did only one Arab, because someone from his family ordered and this
way wanted to do him a gift for birthday - I suppose". The
quoted letter is in private property, and is translated off-list by
Mr. Jacek Pelc, Poland.
Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), (1893-1976), Chairman of the People's Republic of China. This label exists also in black.
Pope John Paul II, Rome, *1921. This engraving was auctioned away in January 2002, and upon the Pope's decision the proceeds from the sale were donated to charitable purposes for Polish children.
Slania's Gandhi-engraving (1990), scanned from an image in the catalogue of Jerzy Krysiak's exhibition in the Postal Museum in Wroclaw (Poland) 2001, at the occasion of Slania's 80th birthday.
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